Guard-Systems Inc. Taps Into A New Trend In The Security Services Sector To Win The Contract For Farmers Plaza

security services contract for Framers Plaza

Woodland Hills, CA – October 24, 2016 – It appears that a new trend may be emerging as Guard-Systems Inc. (GSI) beats large corporate competitors in a security services contract bid on Farmers Plaza.  GSI has positioned itself as the company that offers guard services which are custom tailored to the specific needs of each client they service. This approach seems to be working as the company has doubled in size over the last 3 years. GSI feels that it has tapped into a new trend where management companies are looking to have guards present an image and provide services according the management company’s vision for the building.

We have been able to grow quickly by really listening to the needs of our customers and then developing custom solutions that meet their specific needs. It can be something as simple as the type of uniform a guard wears or as complex as creating a custom training course designed for guards who work at a specific building or post. The key is recognizing that our guards represent the building and management company that hired us. Safety and security are always a primary concern, but at the same time, we realize that our guards must present a polished image that is line with the management company’s vision.

GSI will handle security for the two 11 story buildings and parking structure that comprise Farmers Plaza. Framers Plaza is managed by IDS Real Estate Group whose stated focus is on “Retaining Tenants”. GSI has invested hundreds of hours into understanding their needs and developing a customized guard service solution that will meet their objective to retain tenants while providing security and protection for the Plaza’s tenants, employees, visitors and physical assets.

About Guard Systems Inc.: Established in 1956 GSI has grown to become one of the largest privately held contract security providers in the Southwest. GSI has built a reputation for delivering on its promises and enjoys the lowest guard turnover rate in the industry. GSI customizes security services to meet the specific needs of each customer and invests in customer support rather than bloated corporate bureaucracies. More information can be found at

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